Got to ^ that blog and enter to win a Kindle Paperwhite!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
This past week, I made a list of qualifications for me about the kind of guy I should be looking for. I've made some mistakes recently, and had I had this list before, it would have helped me a lot. Some of the points can be altered, but there are some that can't be. Always make sure, girls, that the guy you go for is saved and even if he says he is, watch, because he may not be and just saying he is to get to you.
The bottom part are ones that I have for just me. The ones up on the first section are ones that all girls should think of.
The bottom part are ones that I have for just me. The ones up on the first section are ones that all girls should think of.
love God MORE than me
love and respect my family
not lie or manipulate me
be my best-friend
keep studying me. High-school Degree, College Degree, Master’s Degree,
Doctorate. (Fireproof)
Will pray for/with me
® Will read the Bible with me
® Will read the Bible with me
Must love me for who I am
respect and listen to me
prove himself
seek council and listen to other’s
make me laugh and smile even when I don’t want to
make me happy almost all the time
do everything to help me reach my dreams
love kids
sing with me
play with my hair
Will be
like country music
want to take spur of the moment trips
watch movies late at night with me
make me hot chocolate
want to read what I write
want to cook/bake with me
Will not
want a lot of animals
have a license/own a vehicle/know how to drive
Will not
be camera shy
If you can think of more, feel free to comment. I'd love to hear what all you think. And if you're a Christian guy, this should help you. :)
Be a Lighthouse,
God's plans,
Teen years
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Mod Style Lounge: The Skinny On Skinnies
Mod Style Lounge: The Skinny On Skinnies: This blog post is really good and it's so true!
Thursday, September 06, 2012
I saw this on Ashley Mays and thought I’d do it too. 
A. Age: Old enough to be graduated. 
B. Bed size: Twin. I think.
C. Chore that you hate: Feeding the turkeys
D. Dogs: 2, but neither are mine.
E. Essential start to your day: Either a shower or schoolwork
F. Favorite color: Brown or blue
G. Gold or Silver: Definitely gold.
H. Height: 5’7″
I. Instruments you play: Guitar! My favorite thing to do! I also play some piano, but not enough to say I play it.
J. Job title: Student.
K. Kids: None. But I love them and want 20!
L. Live: 5 minutes passed the middle of nowhere.
M. Mother’s name: Mom.
N. Nicknames: Jennie, Jenn, Kiddo, Chickie, Jennie-bean, Jay 9…
O. Overnight hospital stays: When I was born and when I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was 5.
P. Pet peeves: Twisted seatbelts, twirling your cell in your hands, clicking a pen…
Q. Quote from a movie: Flywheel: Now go get right with God! Before I get you right with him…
R. Right or left handed: Right handed
S. Siblings: 7.
T. Time it takes you to get ready: 5-10 minutes, depending on the day. It doesn’t take me any longer than 30 minutes at the most.
U. Ultimate Vacation: Whit’s End in Colorado! Or to go to Nashville. Or Alaska just because.
V. Vegetable you hate: I don’t really like tomatoes…
W. What makes you run late: My siblings.
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Elbow when I broke it, Ring finger on my right hand when I broke it, and more that I can’t remember the reason for…
Y. Yummy food that you make: Pancakes. But some people don’t like that…
Z. Zoo animal: Giraffe!
Monday, July 02, 2012
Light up the night
Sometimes, things that seem like they aren't real, really are. Even though we sometimes don't know they're there, they are.
This happened tonight. It was a first for me and it made me realize just how special these little things are!
This happened tonight. It was a first for me and it made me realize just how special these little things are!
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Shocking, Yet Not All Surprising...
A couple weeks ago, my pastor stated that God's plans are not always our plans. Sometimes God chooses to change the direction we're going, and, sometimes, He doesn't give us the heads up first.
This morning's service at church was unlike any other church service I've ever been to. It was going pretty normal. It was a Canada day service, plus I was in nursery with 2 other ladies and 5 little kids.
After the last song, we thought the service was over. Little did we know, Pastor was going to be making an announcement. We were confused as to what he was going to say. There was nothing in the bulletin about a special announcement.
Pastor started speaking about when he first became pastor of the church 5 years ago. I didn't really catch most of what he said. All I remember is one of the sentences he spoke which made everyone gasp and freeze: "I am resigning as pastor here."
My pastor resigned! To say I was shocked when he said this is an understatement. I was beyond shocked. I couldn't understand it. This was not something I was prepared for, nor was anybody else in the church. I just stood in the nursery doorway, watching the other 2 ladies I was with, and fighting the tears that eventually spilled down my cheeks.
My pastor and his family are wonderful He's an awesome teacher, his wife is amazing, and their kids are the sweetest. They will still be at church for another 4 weeks, which takes us to the end of July. After that, nobody knows what will happen...
When my family was driving home though, I remembered what he said a few weeks ago. God has other plans. We may think we're somewhere where we're comfortable and have no plans on moving, but God says, "Wait a minute. I have other things for you to do."
God does that. We're happy with our lifestyle. Everything is going fine. Our life seems perfect. But it really isn't.
I've learned a lot from my pastor's teaching. I think I've learned more today, though, seeing it all play out. It's not something he wants, but God is giving him no choice in the matter.
He can choose to disobey God, but he won't, because he knows God has a plan. That plan may be anything in the world. From just staying in the town, or moving far away to be a pastor somewhere else.
Whatever happens, though, I'm glad that I can keep in touch with them through Facebook and email.
Whatever it is, though, God will show them. He's big enough to move a mountain, He's big enough to show His plan.
If there's anything I've learned in the last year, it's that God will make any situation that we don't understand at the time, easy to understand in time.
This morning's service at church was unlike any other church service I've ever been to. It was going pretty normal. It was a Canada day service, plus I was in nursery with 2 other ladies and 5 little kids.
After the last song, we thought the service was over. Little did we know, Pastor was going to be making an announcement. We were confused as to what he was going to say. There was nothing in the bulletin about a special announcement.
Pastor started speaking about when he first became pastor of the church 5 years ago. I didn't really catch most of what he said. All I remember is one of the sentences he spoke which made everyone gasp and freeze: "I am resigning as pastor here."
My pastor resigned! To say I was shocked when he said this is an understatement. I was beyond shocked. I couldn't understand it. This was not something I was prepared for, nor was anybody else in the church. I just stood in the nursery doorway, watching the other 2 ladies I was with, and fighting the tears that eventually spilled down my cheeks.
My pastor and his family are wonderful He's an awesome teacher, his wife is amazing, and their kids are the sweetest. They will still be at church for another 4 weeks, which takes us to the end of July. After that, nobody knows what will happen...
When my family was driving home though, I remembered what he said a few weeks ago. God has other plans. We may think we're somewhere where we're comfortable and have no plans on moving, but God says, "Wait a minute. I have other things for you to do."
God does that. We're happy with our lifestyle. Everything is going fine. Our life seems perfect. But it really isn't.
I've learned a lot from my pastor's teaching. I think I've learned more today, though, seeing it all play out. It's not something he wants, but God is giving him no choice in the matter.
He can choose to disobey God, but he won't, because he knows God has a plan. That plan may be anything in the world. From just staying in the town, or moving far away to be a pastor somewhere else.
Whatever happens, though, I'm glad that I can keep in touch with them through Facebook and email.
Whatever it is, though, God will show them. He's big enough to move a mountain, He's big enough to show His plan.
If there's anything I've learned in the last year, it's that God will make any situation that we don't understand at the time, easy to understand in time.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
June 24, 2008
On this day, 4 years ago, I was sitting on my couch and staring at the wall. My close neighbor had just told me her best friend, Mary*, was the one who died in the car accident. I was shocked. I had just hung out with her 2 days before at my friend's house for a birthday party. And now she was dead.
That was one of the times in my life I felt like I had failed. I remember laying in bed that night and asking God why He let her die.
Why, when she had just told me the day of the party she was thinking about what we talked about.
Why He never let me see her again to ask what she decided.
Why my friend had to go through this.
A few weeks later, I was talking with Mary's sister, Rachael*, who had come to pick up some of Mary's things she'd left at my neighbors house.
We were sitting in the front yard of my house and she looked at me, tears filling her eyes, and she asked me, "You told me a few months ago that God has a plan for everything. Is this part of his plan?"
I remember looking at her and asking God what to answer. All I ended up answering was, "Yes."
"If that's the kind of man God is, why didn't He let us know she was going to die? Why didn't I get to say goodbye?" She asked and wiped her eyes.
"Because God doesn't always do what we want Him to do. He can take away the most important thing in our life just to prove how big He is. He has a reason for everything."
"If that's the way He is, I want nothing to do with Him." Rachael got up and left.
I didn't understand it either. Mary was only 16. She hadn't even finished high school yet. She wanted to be a nurse. She had a family who loved her.
But God had bigger plans.
He used that to show me that sometimes, even when we try as hard as we can, people don't listen. They'll take the chance and put it off one more day.
There's just one problem with that: You might not get another day. You might be like Mary, thinking you have another day to choose, but never get it.
It's like a garden. You can plant the seeds, but you have no idea when they will sprout. Or even if they'll sprout.
Choose today. Don't take the chance. Live for Christ. You won't regret it.
*Named changed
That was one of the times in my life I felt like I had failed. I remember laying in bed that night and asking God why He let her die.
Why, when she had just told me the day of the party she was thinking about what we talked about.
Why He never let me see her again to ask what she decided.
Why my friend had to go through this.
A few weeks later, I was talking with Mary's sister, Rachael*, who had come to pick up some of Mary's things she'd left at my neighbors house.
We were sitting in the front yard of my house and she looked at me, tears filling her eyes, and she asked me, "You told me a few months ago that God has a plan for everything. Is this part of his plan?"
I remember looking at her and asking God what to answer. All I ended up answering was, "Yes."
"If that's the kind of man God is, why didn't He let us know she was going to die? Why didn't I get to say goodbye?" She asked and wiped her eyes.
"Because God doesn't always do what we want Him to do. He can take away the most important thing in our life just to prove how big He is. He has a reason for everything."
"If that's the way He is, I want nothing to do with Him." Rachael got up and left.
I didn't understand it either. Mary was only 16. She hadn't even finished high school yet. She wanted to be a nurse. She had a family who loved her.
But God had bigger plans.
He used that to show me that sometimes, even when we try as hard as we can, people don't listen. They'll take the chance and put it off one more day.
There's just one problem with that: You might not get another day. You might be like Mary, thinking you have another day to choose, but never get it.
It's like a garden. You can plant the seeds, but you have no idea when they will sprout. Or even if they'll sprout.
Choose today. Don't take the chance. Live for Christ. You won't regret it.
*Named changed
Be a Lighthouse,
Teen years
"You're not normal. And you never will be."
I remember so many things, but not much from before I was around 7. Some things I just suddenly remember, and it's like it happened yesterday. Like that one.
I was 12 when I was first told that. It was a week after my birthday and I stared at the person who said it.
It wasn't that it hurt a lot. I'd know this for a while, but hadn't ever heard someone say it directly to me.
Sure, I'd heard people say it in passing, like, "That girl is not normal," but just in teasing.
It was the fact that they were saying it for me to hear that I was upset and hurt about. They truly believed it.
Even years later, I can still see the look on one of my friends face. She was horrified.
"I am to normal." I told him. I didn't believe it, though. I still don't believe it. And I know it's true.
He shook his head. "You will never be normal. There will never be a cure. Believe it as you might, you'll live with this your whole life. And when you're older, no guy will ever want to take on that responsibility of you. It's too much work."
The truth is, I'm not normal. I haven't been for years. I have Type 1 diabetes.
You might not think I'm any different than you when you look at me, but it's true.
Things about T1D/me that you might not know:
1) I'm not contagious.
2) I didn't get it by eating a lot of sugar.
3) I have to put needles of insulin in my body (arms, stomach, legs) 4-6 times a day.
4) I have to draw blood from my finger 5-8 times a day.
5) I sometimes have the fear of falling asleep at night and not waking up because I might bottom and go into a coma.
6) I might loose my eyesight if I'm not careful.
7) I've lived with this for almost 15 years.
8) I don't have to eat certain things. I can go to a potluck and eat a bunch, as long as I keep track of what I eat so I can give myself insulin for it.
9) I have spots on my fingers from all the needles I've put in them.
10) I'm not gonna die.
I'm not normal, but in God's eyes I am. I'm His princess and He loves me just as I am. He made me this way for a reason. He has a purpose for it. I just don't know the purpose yet.
No matter what disease or invisible illness you have or what problem you have, God can use that to draw people close to Him through you. Just be patient.
God is preparing us for a purpose in His plans in some place, but we have to be patient while we wait. It may not be for years, but He has big plans.
He is preparing us.
For His purpose.
For His plans.
In some place in the world.
Watching us as we wait patiently for Him to make it clear.
Live for Him.
I remember so many things, but not much from before I was around 7. Some things I just suddenly remember, and it's like it happened yesterday. Like that one.
I was 12 when I was first told that. It was a week after my birthday and I stared at the person who said it.
It wasn't that it hurt a lot. I'd know this for a while, but hadn't ever heard someone say it directly to me.
Sure, I'd heard people say it in passing, like, "That girl is not normal," but just in teasing.
It was the fact that they were saying it for me to hear that I was upset and hurt about. They truly believed it.
Even years later, I can still see the look on one of my friends face. She was horrified.
"I am to normal." I told him. I didn't believe it, though. I still don't believe it. And I know it's true.
He shook his head. "You will never be normal. There will never be a cure. Believe it as you might, you'll live with this your whole life. And when you're older, no guy will ever want to take on that responsibility of you. It's too much work."
The truth is, I'm not normal. I haven't been for years. I have Type 1 diabetes.
You might not think I'm any different than you when you look at me, but it's true.
Things about T1D/me that you might not know:
1) I'm not contagious.
2) I didn't get it by eating a lot of sugar.
3) I have to put needles of insulin in my body (arms, stomach, legs) 4-6 times a day.
4) I have to draw blood from my finger 5-8 times a day.
5) I sometimes have the fear of falling asleep at night and not waking up because I might bottom and go into a coma.
6) I might loose my eyesight if I'm not careful.
7) I've lived with this for almost 15 years.
8) I don't have to eat certain things. I can go to a potluck and eat a bunch, as long as I keep track of what I eat so I can give myself insulin for it.
9) I have spots on my fingers from all the needles I've put in them.
10) I'm not gonna die.
I'm not normal, but in God's eyes I am. I'm His princess and He loves me just as I am. He made me this way for a reason. He has a purpose for it. I just don't know the purpose yet.
No matter what disease or invisible illness you have or what problem you have, God can use that to draw people close to Him through you. Just be patient.
God is preparing us for a purpose in His plans in some place, but we have to be patient while we wait. It may not be for years, but He has big plans.
He is preparing us.
For His purpose.
For His plans.
In some place in the world.
Watching us as we wait patiently for Him to make it clear.
Live for Him.
Be a Lighthouse,
Teen years,
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Top 10: Learning
I have learned many things in the last 2 weeks. Here are 10:
1) I don't know as much about the Bible as I thought I did.
2) I learned that there were 3 men who doted on King David after he was kicked out and did everything in their power to be closer to him. (2 Samuel 23: 13-17.) We need to be like that with Christ.
3) There was a man named Shammah who fought off an army just to protect his peas. (2 Samuel 23: 11-12.)
4) My pastor is an amazing teacher and I just want to learn more from his teaching. (I've known this for a while but thought I'd add it because I keep thinking this after every sermon/lesson he teaches. The 2 above are this and last weeks youth lessons.)
5) I have an awesome family and not so many people are as blessed as I am.
6) I need to be more of a lighthouse and shine so people know I live for God alone.
7) My church family here is amazing. They have welcomed my family like we've been coming for years. My pastor is super, his wife is awesome, and their kids are so sweet!
8) When Madagascar 3 comes out, I pretty much have no choice but to see it and make my pastor come over and watch it.
9) I need to trust God more.
10) I have so much more I need to learn. From the Bible and in my life.
My family is rich. But not because we have a lot of money. We are rich because we have made a choice to live for Christ. By living for Him, we have more than we can every ask for.
Here are the 4 things about Shammah from the lesson:
1) He had purpose.
2) He defended his ground.
3) He won the battle.
4) God got the glory.
We need to be like Shammah and here are the 4 for Christian's:
1) We have a purpose, which is is to tell others about Christ and live a life glorifying to Him.
2) We need to stand up for Him, even when no one else is, or we feel like no one is.
3) We can't win every battle, but we can win some.
4) We WILL give God all the glory, no matter what. God gets the Glory.
2 Samuel,
Be a Lighthouse,
Madagascar 3,
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